X-Wing Miniatures Wiki

Darth Vader Card

Card Text/Abilities


After you perform an attack against an enemy ship, you may suffer 2 damage to cause that ship to suffer 1 critical damage.


  • A ship equipped with Darth Vader can use this ability only if it has at least 1 hull remaining. (X-Wing FAQ, Version 4.2.1, Updated 07/01/2016)
  • If a ship equipped with Darth Vader can attack twice in one round (such as a ship equipped with Gunner), it can use Darth Vader after the first attack and after the second attack. If Darth Vader destroys the ship to which he is equipped, it can still perform its second attack. If Vader is used twice, it must be in this order: Attack, Vader, Attack, Vader. (X-Wing FAQ, Version 3.1.1, Updated 07/24/2015)
  • If a ship equipped with Darth Vader performs a secondary weapon attack that says “perform this attack twice,” Darth Vader can be used only once, and only after the second attack (see Timing Chart for Performing an Attack. (X-Wing FAQ, Version 4.2.1, Updated 07/01/2016)

Unique Named

Darth Vader (TIE Advanced Pilot)

Available Through

Lambda-class Shuttle Expansion Pack

Card Artist

Jake Murray
