X-Wing Miniatures Wiki
Outer Rim Smuggler
Outer Rim Smuggler
PS 1 2 Weapon
Cost 27 1 Agility
Faction Rebel 6 Hull
Errata no 4 Shields
Size Firing Arcs
Large Primary
Special Features
Turret Primary Weapon
Focus • Target Lock
Title • Crew x2 • Modification
Maneuver Chart
YT-1300 Maneuvers
Available Through
Millennium Falcon Expansion Pack

A smuggler, also known by the euphemism free trader, was someone who engaged in the clandestine shipment of goods or people to prevent taxation or some other impediment. The goods shipped were often highly illegal or banned in some sectors.

Card Text[]

Known for its durability and modular design, the YT-1300 is one of the most popular, widely used freighters in the galaxy.

Possible Upgrades[]

Crew (2)ModificationTitle (Millennium Falcon; Millennium Falcon (HOR))


  • This is the only YT-1300 Pilot with different values for Primary Weapon, Hull, and Shields.